Money Chats

Helping You to Feel More Comfortable Talking About Money.

Supportive, Collaborative, Proactive, and Non Judgemental.

The Money Chat is an informal group discussion where you can talk about money, share experiences, and find help and support, in a non-judgmental, collaborative, and proactive environment.

Click on the image to book your spot.

Why is this group so important?

Money is one of those taboo subjects that people don’t feel confident talking about; sometimes it comes from learned beliefs, where we are taught not to talk about money. Money can also have a lot of negative emotions attached to it like shame, embarrassment, fear, guilt, sadness, etc….. so we just don’t want to open up because we are worried we will be judged or even ridiculed for the position we find ourselves in.

When we are struggling financially or worry about money, the tendency can be to bury our head in the sand and hope that the problems will just go away.

It’s not about exposing your bank accounts to the world, it’s about finding help and support in a group so you can take positive action and feel less alone.

We can talk about anything money related, how much personal information you share is up to you, however I would remind everyone that money can be very triggering, so make sure you only share what you feel comfortable doing.

If you want to come along to just experience the group and not say anything, that is fine too, everyone is welcome. If you have a topic you want to raise, but do not feel comfortable sharing yourself, then send the host, Kim Masters, an e-mail and she can bring it to the group (anonymously if you wish).

The session will be hosted and mediated by Kim Masters. There will be a brief introduction by Kim at the start, and then it’s over to you to start the conversation, so come prepared with some topics.

Anyone can attend the event, however there is also a Money Chats group on Enterprise Nation; you can become a member for free and then access this exclusive group.

There are a couple of basic rules for joining this group:

  • Confidentiality – anything discussed in the group stays in the group.
  • Awareness – of peoples feelings and emotions.
  • Non-judgemental – we are there to support each other.
  • Positive – we want to try and remain positive and not make matters worse for people.
  • Creative – feel free to offer ideas but make sure these are not forced on people.
  • Open Minded – be open to new ideas.
  • No Selling – this is not a platform to simply sell your products or services.
  • Listen – we will not interrupt people when they are talking.
  • Respectful – of each other.
  • Awareness – of others in the group, and not to monopolise the time.

***While Kim has 25 years experience in finance and accounting she is not a fully qualified accountant or financial advisor, so cannot offer advice of this nature, but will be happy to signpost you to someone who can help. Likewise, she is not a doctor or counselor so cannot help with any specific mental health needs or diagnosis; again she can help signpost you to support if you find you are struggling or if the session raises some emotions for you***